How Can I Get To Sleep Faster?

We all want to know how we can get to sleep quickly, but to our annoyance the more you try to sleep the harder it is. One very simple way you can get to sleep quicker is often overlooked in our society because we are all on our phones and thinking about the stresses of life until the crack of dawn, but that is sticking to a schedule. Sticking to one sleeping schedule allows the body to get its automated clock in check and know when it is time to shut down and wake up.

Tying into the last point is not looking at screens before bed: electronic screens emit a type of artificial light called blue light which our bodies are sensitive to, keeping us awake longer. If you are going to insist on using your devices right before bed maybe you should consider activating the blue light filter on your device.

Now moving on to not so obvious or common solutions to a lack of sleep, one example is aromatherapy. Quite a lot of people don’t associate smell as a contributing factor towards a good night’s sleep, however studies have shown that the use of aromatherapy scents are highly effective in improving sleep. Some popular scents include lavender and damask rose. You could even think about getting an aromatherapy machine if you are really struggling to sleep such as the InnoGear 2nd Version Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffuser.

As well as smell, sound can also be used to aid sleep ! Of course listening to calm and comforting music can help you sleep or you could try a sound machine. If sound machines aren’t for you then you might like to try Bose’s new sleep buds that block out exterior noises and plays relaxing white noise.

We hope that our tips can help you to get a good night’s sleep.

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